Who's Who
Pupils are taught in small classes ranging from 2 to 10 pupils.
There are currently 26 classes each with a teacher and a classroom assistant. Some classes have an additional classroom assistant to support particular educational programmes or pupils.
Principal - Mr Colin Ward
Acting Vice-Principal - Mrs Mary McLachlan
Head of Oak Department & Senior Teacher (Primary) - Mrs Seaneen Moreland
Head of KS3-KS4 Department & Senior Teacher (Post Primary) - Mrs Elizabeth Magee
Head of Extended Education Centre - Mrs Nichola Donnan
Head of foundation stage / Nursery, ICT 1 Coordinator - Ms Ruth Morris
ICT 2 Coordinator - Ms Alana Brown
Head of Nurture Department / Numeracy Coordinator - Ms Lynsey Curran
PDMU Coordinator - (To be appointed)
Literacy Coordinator - Mrs Lisa Bowes
Extended Schools Coordinator - Mr Paul Devine
Head of KS1-KS2 /Arts coordinator + Specialist Music Teacher - Mrs Joanne Boyd
School secretary - Ms Dawn Robinson
Clerical Staff - Mrs Rachel Cairns
Designated Teacher for Child Protection - Mrs Mary McLachlan
Deputy Teacher for Child Protection - Ms Ruth Morris
Deputy Teacher for Child Protection - Mrs Elizabeth Magee
Deputy Teacher for Child Protection - Mrs Seaneen Moreland