Parkview Special School

To be the best that we can be

2 Brokerstown Road, Lisburn, Co.Antrim, BT28 2EE

028 92601197

Parkview School Board of Governors 2024/25

The Board of Governors consists of eight members. Three represent of the South Eastern Education & Library Board. Two are nominated by the Department of Education for NI. Two members are nominated as representative of the parents of the school and there is one representative of the teaching staff.

The Principal is the Honorary Secretary to the Governors who meet on a regular basis to deal with matters relating to the governance of the school.


Board Representatives (EA):           

Mr. Robert W. Gilmore (Chair)

Mrs. Zoe Bruce

Mr. Graham White


Parent Representative: 

Mr. Simon. Wilson

Mrs. Sarah Boyce


DE Representatives:     

Mrs. Rosemary Mack 

 Mrs. Amanda Grehan                                                                             
Teachers’ Representative:      

Ms. Lynsey Curran


Secretary to the Board Of Governors:

Mr. Colin Ward (Principal)

If you have a concern that you feel cannot be resolved through the school’s complaints procedure, you can contact the Chair of the Board of Governors through the Secretary to the Board of Governors or by putting it in writing to the Chair of the Board of Governors c/o Parkview School.